Free Ceus for Nurse Practitioners
The CME & Pharmacology Hours You Need Today for ANP License Renewal

We are proud to sponsor this educational initiative, dedicated to providing free CME & CEUs required by many state boards for NP, Advanced Practice Nurse license renewal. Check back often for new free Nurse Practitioner CME courses offering free CEUs that are posted frequently. Through extensive content review, our staff approves NP CEU courses that are timely and approved by the AANP.**
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1.0 Free Contact Hours which includes 0.2 Hours of Pharmacology Early Morning Functioning Impairments in Children and Adolescents With ADHD- Discuss the concept of early morning ADHD symptoms and related functional impairments as a significant unmet clinical need in school-age children diagnosed with ADHD. Examine scales to measure before-school behaviors. Discuss current nonpharmacologic strategies for coping with early morning ADHD symptoms in school-age children. Discuss existing and emerging medications for managing early morning ADHD symptoms in school-age children. (+MD, RN)
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NEW! 1.0 Free Contact Hours Changing Health Behavior: The Challenge of the Rehab Patient- Learn addiction-related strategies that can be used to improve weight loss outcomes.
Describe the clinical characteristics and effective treatments for eating disorders. (+MD, RD)
NEW! 1.0 Free Contact Hours which includes 0.5 Free Hours of Pharmacology Improving the Management of Depression in Primary Care: Insights into Diagnosis and Treatment- Summarize guideline changes in the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, that impact the diagnosis and assessment of MDD. Assess the severity and risks of depression at the time of diagnosis. Summarize current evidence for efficacy and safety of new therapies recently approved for the treatment of depression. Develop customized treatment regimens for adults with depression, considering medication efficacy and safety, drug interactions, dosing options, and patient comorbidities. Explain the benefits of using rating scales to assess patient response to depression treatment and medication side effects.
Describe the clinical characteristics and effective treatments for eating disorders. (+MD, RD)
NEW! 1.0 Free Contact Hours which includes 0.5 Free Hours of Pharmacology Improving the Management of Depression in Primary Care: Insights into Diagnosis and Treatment- Summarize guideline changes in the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, that impact the diagnosis and assessment of MDD. Assess the severity and risks of depression at the time of diagnosis. Summarize current evidence for efficacy and safety of new therapies recently approved for the treatment of depression. Develop customized treatment regimens for adults with depression, considering medication efficacy and safety, drug interactions, dosing options, and patient comorbidities. Explain the benefits of using rating scales to assess patient response to depression treatment and medication side effects.
1.5 Free Contact Hours Understanding Urinalysis- The goal of this activity is to help advanced practitioners interpret urinalysis, learn how to evaluate the results, and relate the results to clinical practice. The program also helps clinicians understand the importance of proteinuria including causes and mechanisms, diagnosis and detection, and clinical relevance and treatment.
1.0 Free Contact Hours Pregnancy and Obesity- Identify and modify potential early risk factors for health promotion and disease prevention. Understand extra-genetic mechanisms as determinants of obesity in women and children. Provide insights into recent studies related to weight management during pregnancy. (+MD)
1.0 Free Contact Hours which includes 0.36 Free Hours of Pharmacology Managing Sleep Disturbances in Psychiatric Patients- Discuss the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders in psychiatric patientsIndividualize treatment choices, giving consideration to efficacy, safety, long-term data, and unique patient characteristics. Formulate appropriate treatment regimens considering the emergence of new investigative agents. Provide appropriate care and counsel for patients and their families. (Expires 8/18/16)
1.0 Free Contact Hours Menopausal Symptoms: Comparative Effectiveness of Therapies- Discuss the comparative effectiveness of different treatments for reducing menopausal symptoms and improving quality of life. Discuss the effects of menopausal hormone therapy preparations on coronary heart disease, stroke, or venous thromboembolism; gallbladder disease; osteoporotic fractures; or endometrial, breast, colorectal, and ovarian cancer. Discuss the effects of nonhormone therapy preparations on coronary heart disease, stroke, or venous thromboembolism; gallbladder disease; osteoporotic fractures; and endometrial, breast, colorectal, and ovarian cancer. Identify factors that affect the applicability of the results of the review. (+MD, RPh, RN ,CCM)
1.5 Free Contact Hrs which includes 0.3 Hours of Pharmacology Immunization Updates 2015: Pediatrics & Adolescents– Assess current recommended immunization schedules and guidelines in order to facilitate vaccine coverage in all eligible patients. Evaluate advances in available immunizations for infants, adolescents, and children. Evaluate effective communication techniques for educating parents on vaccine safety, the health benefits of vaccination, and therapeutic advances in vaccine development. (+ MD)
1.0 Free Contact Hours Pregnancy and Obesity- Identify and modify potential early risk factors for health promotion and disease prevention. Understand extra-genetic mechanisms as determinants of obesity in women and children. Provide insights into recent studies related to weight management during pregnancy. (+MD)
1.0 Free Contact Hours which includes 0.36 Free Hours of Pharmacology Managing Sleep Disturbances in Psychiatric Patients- Discuss the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders in psychiatric patientsIndividualize treatment choices, giving consideration to efficacy, safety, long-term data, and unique patient characteristics. Formulate appropriate treatment regimens considering the emergence of new investigative agents. Provide appropriate care and counsel for patients and their families. (Expires 8/18/16)
1.0 Free Contact Hours Menopausal Symptoms: Comparative Effectiveness of Therapies- Discuss the comparative effectiveness of different treatments for reducing menopausal symptoms and improving quality of life. Discuss the effects of menopausal hormone therapy preparations on coronary heart disease, stroke, or venous thromboembolism; gallbladder disease; osteoporotic fractures; or endometrial, breast, colorectal, and ovarian cancer. Discuss the effects of nonhormone therapy preparations on coronary heart disease, stroke, or venous thromboembolism; gallbladder disease; osteoporotic fractures; and endometrial, breast, colorectal, and ovarian cancer. Identify factors that affect the applicability of the results of the review. (+MD, RPh, RN ,CCM)
1.5 Free Contact Hrs which includes 0.3 Hours of Pharmacology Immunization Updates 2015: Pediatrics & Adolescents– Assess current recommended immunization schedules and guidelines in order to facilitate vaccine coverage in all eligible patients. Evaluate advances in available immunizations for infants, adolescents, and children. Evaluate effective communication techniques for educating parents on vaccine safety, the health benefits of vaccination, and therapeutic advances in vaccine development. (+ MD)
1.0 Free Contact Hours/0.5 Hour of Pharmacology Naloxone: The Universal Antidote for Opioid Overdose- Identify patients at increased risk for opioid overdose and diagnose patients presenting with drug overdoses, including those patients with respiratory and central nervous system depression. Evaluate recently developed treatments for opioid overdoses and their potential use by at-risk individuals and their families. Educate patients and caretakers about how to administer naloxone, how to re-evaluate the patient as the naloxone wears off, and how to inform emergency personnel of known or suspected opioid overdose. (+MD,PA,RPh)
1.0 Free Contact Hours WRITING STRONG ABSTRACTS FOR SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES– Describe the steps in writing an abstract for presentation at a scientific conference. Identify three components that make an abstract strong. Use the information presented to develop a strong draft of an abstract to submit for consideration for presentation at a meeting.
1.5 Free Contact Hours which includes 0.75 Free Hours of Pharmacology
The Front-Line in the Diagnosis and Clinical Management of Bipolar Disorder- Engage patients with bipolar disorder in an ongoing discussion of pharmacological treatment and regularly review for efficacy and side effects.Regularly assess all patients with bipolar disorder for metabolic issues related to psychiatric medications and recommend lifestyle changes to improve health. (+PA)
1.5 Free Contact Hours Best Practice Recommendations for Management of Overactive Bladder in the Elderly- Employ effective communication strategies for screening and diagnosis of overactive bladder (OAB). Describe the benefits and specific limitations of current management approaches for OAB, including behavioral modifications and other approved interventions, in elderly patients. Manage treatment-emergent adverse events and therapy modification to improve clinical outcomes in elderly patients. List strategies to improve adherence to treatments in the elderly patient population. Detail the pros and cons of currently prescribed OAB medication in the elderly population. (+MD)
2.25 Free Contact Hours which includes 1.0 Hours of Pharmacology
Optimal Strategies to Reduce Cardioembolic Risk in the Patient with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Patient Centered Approach - Identify the factor(s) in the coagulation cascade on which warfarin, dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban exert their respective anticoagulant effects . Identify sources for evidence-based guidelines for antithrombotic therapy in the reduction of cardioembolic risk in the patient with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Define the impact of renal function, clinical history, and patient age on the choice of anticoagulant agent. Describe the role of effective clinician/patient communication in the safe management of oral anticoagulation. Outline an efficient method of incorporating shared decision making when developing a treatment plan for the patient with NVAF.
1.0 Free Contact Hours/0.5 Hours of Pharmacology Key Strategies to Keep Heart Failure Patients Out of the Hospital– Evaluate the risk factors and clinical interventions for heart failure. Identify the importance of early follow-up care by PCPs in keeping heart failure patients from being readmitted. Apply new initiatives that PCPs can participate in to help reduce hospital readmissions and improve patient quality of life. (+MD)
1.5 Free Contact Hours which includes 0.75 Free Hours of Pharmacology
The Front-Line in the Diagnosis and Clinical Management of Bipolar Disorder- Engage patients with bipolar disorder in an ongoing discussion of pharmacological treatment and regularly review for efficacy and side effects.Regularly assess all patients with bipolar disorder for metabolic issues related to psychiatric medications and recommend lifestyle changes to improve health. (+PA)
1.5 Free Contact Hours Best Practice Recommendations for Management of Overactive Bladder in the Elderly- Employ effective communication strategies for screening and diagnosis of overactive bladder (OAB). Describe the benefits and specific limitations of current management approaches for OAB, including behavioral modifications and other approved interventions, in elderly patients. Manage treatment-emergent adverse events and therapy modification to improve clinical outcomes in elderly patients. List strategies to improve adherence to treatments in the elderly patient population. Detail the pros and cons of currently prescribed OAB medication in the elderly population. (+MD)
2.25 Free Contact Hours which includes 1.0 Hours of Pharmacology
Optimal Strategies to Reduce Cardioembolic Risk in the Patient with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Patient Centered Approach - Identify the factor(s) in the coagulation cascade on which warfarin, dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban exert their respective anticoagulant effects . Identify sources for evidence-based guidelines for antithrombotic therapy in the reduction of cardioembolic risk in the patient with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Define the impact of renal function, clinical history, and patient age on the choice of anticoagulant agent. Describe the role of effective clinician/patient communication in the safe management of oral anticoagulation. Outline an efficient method of incorporating shared decision making when developing a treatment plan for the patient with NVAF.
1.0 Free Contact Hours/0.5 Hours of Pharmacology Key Strategies to Keep Heart Failure Patients Out of the Hospital– Evaluate the risk factors and clinical interventions for heart failure. Identify the importance of early follow-up care by PCPs in keeping heart failure patients from being readmitted. Apply new initiatives that PCPs can participate in to help reduce hospital readmissions and improve patient quality of life. (+MD)
4.0 Free Contact Hours which includes 4.0 Free Pharmacology Hours Pharmacology Basics– The participant will be familiar with the role of receptors related to medications. The participant will identify the four components of pharmacokinetics. The participant will be familiar with how medications are classified. The participant will identify some medications from some commonly seen classifications, as well as their actions, uses, adverse reactions and side effects, contraindications, and implications.
1.0 Free Contact Hours/0.8 Hours of Pharmacology Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Current Evidence for Tailoring Antithrombotic Therapy- Apply evidence-based scoring assessments to properly risk stratify patients with atrial fibrillation, considering stroke and bleeding risks.Discuss key differences in the pharmacologic profiles of the new oral anticoagulants that may impact selection of a specific agent for an individual patient with atrial fibrillation. Select the correct dosage for oral anticoagulant therapy for patients with atrial fibrillation and renal impairment. Develop individualized guideline-based antithrombotic treatment regimens for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation.
1.0 Free Contact Hours Intrapartum Sterile Speculum Training for Registered Nurses- The American College of Nurse-Midwives presents a free continuing education credit program designed to teach intrapartum nurses the basic skills needed to perform a sterile speculum examination. These skills can be used when gathering vaginal samples which have been ordered to help make a clinical diagnosis. The samples are used to rule out ruptured membranes, evaluate for fetal fibronectin and/or obtain specimens for vaginal cultures.
1.0 Free Contact Hours which includes 0.75 Free Hours of Pharmacology
Emerging Treatment Options for Familial Hypercholesterolemia- Review the underlying genetic mutations and the role of genetic screening for heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) and homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) as it relates to diagnosis and treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia and in response to statins, ezetimibe and proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 9 (PCSK9) monoclonal antibody treatment. Discuss the emerging evidence on genetic mutations and their potential therapeutic significance in the development of novel low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) targets. Identify the relationship of LDL-C reduction and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk reduction including the risk in HeFH and HoFH. Discuss the clinical presentation and implications of HeFH and the use of optimal LDL-C target goals for these patients based on current consensus recommendations. (+MD,PA,RN)
1.25 Free Contact Hours which includes 1.25 Hours of Pharmacology Stroke Prevention in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation- Discuss the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and risk factors for stroke in atrial fibrillation as they relate to prevention.Use validated risk assessment tools to assess and stratify patients with atrial fibrillation for the risk of stroke in order to individualize decisions regarding the appropriateness of stroke prophylaxis. Describe approved anticoagulants, including their mechanism of action, safety, efficacy, indications, and contraindications. Use validated tools to assess bleeding risk in patients treated with anticoagulants. Implement appropriate primary and secondary pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions for stroke prevention tailored to risk stratification and patient characteristics, with knowledge of clinical guidelines, recommendations, and considerations of special populations. (Register for course)
1.5 Free Contact Hours Evidence-Based Nutrition Management of Preterm Infants- Determine adequate protein requirements for preterm infants. Apply necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) preventative strategies in the neonatal intensive care unit. Adjoin current controversies in NEC with new treatment modalities. (+RN, MD, RD, DTR)
1.4 Free Contact Hrs which includes 1.4 Hours of Pharmacology Code Stroke: New Approaches to Assess and Treat Acute Ischemic Stroke– Utilize recommended stroke-evaluation time benchmarks to stabilize patients within 60 minutes of arrival in the emergency department, including initial evaluation, assessment, imaging, and laboratory studies. Outline current treatments for acute ischemic stroke, including IV thrombolytic therapy with tissue-type plasminogen activator and endovascular therapies, such as intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy and the use of clot-retrieval devices. Interpret stroke trial data that have shown the benefit of using neuroimaging to select patients who are most likely to benefit from thrombolytic therapy and the potential benefits of extending the window for thrombolytic therapy beyond the guideline of 3 hours with tPA and newer agents. Utilize tools to predict patients’ clinical response and risk of hemorrhagic complications following IV thrombolytic therapy. Interpret the latest clinical trial data (examples: ESCAPE, EXTEND-IA, REVASCAT, SWIFT PRIME, MR CLEAN) evaluating endovascular therapy in the management of acute ischemic stroke and how this data applies to current practice. (+ MD)
1.0 Free Contact Hours Intrapartum Sterile Speculum Training for Registered Nurses- The American College of Nurse-Midwives presents a free continuing education credit program designed to teach intrapartum nurses the basic skills needed to perform a sterile speculum examination. These skills can be used when gathering vaginal samples which have been ordered to help make a clinical diagnosis. The samples are used to rule out ruptured membranes, evaluate for fetal fibronectin and/or obtain specimens for vaginal cultures.
1.0 Free Contact Hours which includes 0.75 Free Hours of Pharmacology
Emerging Treatment Options for Familial Hypercholesterolemia- Review the underlying genetic mutations and the role of genetic screening for heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) and homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) as it relates to diagnosis and treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia and in response to statins, ezetimibe and proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 9 (PCSK9) monoclonal antibody treatment. Discuss the emerging evidence on genetic mutations and their potential therapeutic significance in the development of novel low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) targets. Identify the relationship of LDL-C reduction and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk reduction including the risk in HeFH and HoFH. Discuss the clinical presentation and implications of HeFH and the use of optimal LDL-C target goals for these patients based on current consensus recommendations. (+MD,PA,RN)
1.25 Free Contact Hours which includes 1.25 Hours of Pharmacology Stroke Prevention in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation- Discuss the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and risk factors for stroke in atrial fibrillation as they relate to prevention.Use validated risk assessment tools to assess and stratify patients with atrial fibrillation for the risk of stroke in order to individualize decisions regarding the appropriateness of stroke prophylaxis. Describe approved anticoagulants, including their mechanism of action, safety, efficacy, indications, and contraindications. Use validated tools to assess bleeding risk in patients treated with anticoagulants. Implement appropriate primary and secondary pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions for stroke prevention tailored to risk stratification and patient characteristics, with knowledge of clinical guidelines, recommendations, and considerations of special populations. (Register for course)
1.5 Free Contact Hours Evidence-Based Nutrition Management of Preterm Infants- Determine adequate protein requirements for preterm infants. Apply necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) preventative strategies in the neonatal intensive care unit. Adjoin current controversies in NEC with new treatment modalities. (+RN, MD, RD, DTR)
1.4 Free Contact Hrs which includes 1.4 Hours of Pharmacology Code Stroke: New Approaches to Assess and Treat Acute Ischemic Stroke– Utilize recommended stroke-evaluation time benchmarks to stabilize patients within 60 minutes of arrival in the emergency department, including initial evaluation, assessment, imaging, and laboratory studies. Outline current treatments for acute ischemic stroke, including IV thrombolytic therapy with tissue-type plasminogen activator and endovascular therapies, such as intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy and the use of clot-retrieval devices. Interpret stroke trial data that have shown the benefit of using neuroimaging to select patients who are most likely to benefit from thrombolytic therapy and the potential benefits of extending the window for thrombolytic therapy beyond the guideline of 3 hours with tPA and newer agents. Utilize tools to predict patients’ clinical response and risk of hemorrhagic complications following IV thrombolytic therapy. Interpret the latest clinical trial data (examples: ESCAPE, EXTEND-IA, REVASCAT, SWIFT PRIME, MR CLEAN) evaluating endovascular therapy in the management of acute ischemic stroke and how this data applies to current practice. (+ MD)